Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Soggy Feet

What I learned today: layer, wear shoes with a heel, and carry rain jacket on my person at all times.

New Zealand is notorious for its erratic weather, which is constantly changing with the winds. On blustery days like today (although I really can't complain, compared to Wellington, "the windy city"), the clouds move so quickly that you will be basking in the brilliant sunshine of the clear NZ skies one moment and running for cover from a downpour the next. The good news is: my rain jacket officially works (thanks Grandma Rosemary!!!) The bad news is I only brought it to class this afternoon after enjoying a thorough soaking this morning. All in all, the weather is great. At least if there's rain, there's bound to be some sun in the same day and it has been less cold than anticipated.

PS: It is 20 minutes after having posted this and the sky is completely black and it is pouring... prime example.

1 comment:

  1. Guess you're appreciating California's weather even more...
