Sunday, October 17, 2010

Life Updates of the Fab 4

Since it's been quite a while since I updated this ol' baby with everyday goings on.
Let’s fill you in...

This past week was our last week of classes. Next week is "study week," allotted for exam preparation, followed by two weeks of exams. As the marks for all 3 of my papers are based solely on internal assessment, I have no scheduled exams, just large projects to finish. Now, just 3 major essays stand between me and freedom. I realised that as of the end of August, I have been in school for over a year straight with a few two-week breaks thrown in. Once I buckle down and finish my PR case analysis of an animal rights campaign, which is advocating against the cruel factory farming stalls used by the pork industry, write an analysis of our "Caterpillar Campaign" using PR theory, and compose another essay about how weak states pose international relations security concerns, I will be home free!

Besides heaps of assignments and craziness in the past few weeks, especially with our PR campaign competition, I have just been enjoying my time, hanging out with my favourite people and trying not to think about how quickly the time is passing.

Now for some life updates:

Erika has spent countless hours rehearsing throughout the semester for her 2 Maori performing arts classes. On Wednesday night, Sam and I went to watch her end of the semester performance. Her class danced in one of five acts in a show that featured a variety of kapa haka (all types of dance) pieces. I was so proud :). She did wonderfully!! Especially, since she was one of five non-Maori students in a class of 60.

Erika is second from the right in the front row. The guy she is holding hands with on her right side is our good friend Logan, a fellow study abroader from Hawaii who goes to school in Oregon:

Front row, first on the right:

Erika wearing a fabulous moko (that's the paint on her chin..)

Oh so proud :)
just received official confirmation of his acceptance to UCSD for his exchange next semester! I'm thrilled because it means this won't be goodbye and we can reunite in San Diego in January! Time to start planning all the fun places to take him to, which of course means some choice beaches and fantastic Mexican food to welcome him to Southern California. Also, he has decided to participate in “Choptober” - aka starting from scratch and then growing out his side burns for an entire month to raise money for a chosen charity. All his donations will go to relief efforts to help those devastated by the Christchurch earthquake. Click here to check out his page and donate! Lets make sure he doesn’t grow a forest on his face for nothing… :)

No wonder he's got the nickname "Burns:"

Gabe has been gone for 1 week now, on his 2.5 week ADVENTURE around the world for the BloKart World Championships in Belgium. First, on the way, his family stopped in Hong Kong. Now, in Ostend, Belgium, races are scheduled from this past Wednesday through the weekend. Unfortunately, I guess the wind hasn't been too cooperative, so hopefully it will pick up and they can get some sailing in before the event ends! At least, he says he's enjoying the Belgian beer ;). On their way home, they'll be heading to Amsterdam, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles before making it back to NZ right in time for exams. Good luck Gabe, miss you!!

In other news, Erika, Sam and I all went and got our ears pierced (I evened out my set with a third hole on my left side to match the three I already have on the right. Erika got both of her third holes and Sam pierced his right ear, since he already had one on the left). So far so good... barely even sore (knock on wood).

Summer is sloooowwwwly coming to Hamilton (so much for getting those essays done). Right before Gabe left, we had a stint of 3 or 4 days that were absolutely beautiful, but apparently that was just a tease because, until yesterday, it had been rainy, windy and grey since. Although, when the sun shines, it SHINES. I'd heard rumours about the ozone hole above NZ, but didn't think it was actually possible to burn in 10 minutes, until last week. Don't worry, I've purchased sunscreen; no more neglected skin... I want to avoid tomato-status, thank you very much.

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